First Line Leader Development Coaching

The Problem
We were approached to provide a different solution to developing managers within a fast-growing business. Following several mergers, there was a disconnect between the skills and development of the new and longer serving managers. Feedback from previous Certificated Leadership programmes was that whilst the course and qualification was valued, much of the theory was not applicable and therefore wasted.
The Solution
Through close consultation with the HRD, the solution became a structured coaching programme for 12 key managers within the business. The 6-month programme included 5 one to one coaching sessions with a group workshop midway to bring collective learning and engagement.
The coaching (which also included relevant training or mentoring approaches) focused on “in the moment” business and performance goals; and promoted a true action based output. Results ranged from an increase in engagement, improved attitude towards and implementation of appraisals, effective performance management resolutions and process improvements.